Email[email protected]
FacebookJeannette Soccer Club PhoneCall (724) 527-6877 (Voicemail service only)
Mailing Address:
PO Box 222
Jeannette, PA 15644
Our club is a solely volunteer run organization, and without our volunteers, our kids would not have a
We have a board of directors who are also volunteers, that run the organization. The board meets
regularly to discuss issues such as running the concession, field maintenance, any issues with members,
rosters, coaches, pictures, scheduling, uniforms, etc. We are always in need of volunteers to help
around the club.
If you should have a question, need assistance, have an issue with anything/one, please reach out to a
board member and we would be happy to assist you. Below is a list of board members. Remember,
you can always contact via e-mail at:
[email protected]Rob Kristoff - Board President
Kenny Bush – Board Vice President
Bill Barnhart – Board Treasurer
Kelly Bender – Board Secretary
Mickey Riggle
BJ Bortz
Mike Marnell
Harmony Rhodes